Liu Xiaokang刘小康


社会身份 Social identity


Freeman Lau is a renowned artist and designer in Hong Kong.


Freeman is currently the Founder of KL&K Creative Strategics


the Vice Chairman for the Design Alliance Asia (tDA Asia), a Director of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC), and the Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations (FHKDA)


Since 1984, Freeman has won over 300 design awards and his design profession is developedin several fields

近年的奖项包括: 国际平面设计协会(ico-D)认受的韩国亚洲设计师邀请展「亚洲最佳设计师奖」(2014)、「DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖 - 大奖」2015)及「iF 设计奖」(2016)

His most recent design achievements include “The Best Asian Designer” at the 2014 Asian.Designers’ Invitational Exhibition in Korea endorsed by ico-D (2014), “Grand Award of DFA Design for Asia Awards” (2015), and “iF Design Award” (2016)


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